“You are never too young or too old to play the violin. From beginner to advanced players, from protégés to the tone deaf, I help you play your best and experience the joy of music"
- Katie Glumac
Distinguished Concierge Violin Lessons
The ethos of Katie's teaching philosophy is that playing the violin should be a part of every person's daily activity, and learning is not just a weekly lesson but an entire week of learning. Each week of playing should be a of fun and exciting classes, lessons, performances, and creative learning.
Join The Wait List
Katie teaches students of all ages and ability levels. She welcomes adult learners with no musical background and parents of children with no experience with the violin, as well as all other levels of violinists and fiddlers. Currently, there is a waiting list for new students.
To join the wait list please fill out the student registration form. After submitting the form, you will have a 15-minute video consultation with Katie. During this consultation, Katie will discuss the program, answer any questions you may have, and help determine if it is a good fit for you to be added to the waiting list.