Major Pentatonic Scale.
Pentatonic Scales are the notes in a song that sound beautiful. They are conflict-free notes that you can play almost anywhere in a piece, and it will sound good. If you are improvising a piece of music, you can use the pentatonic scale to create a beautiful sound throughout the piece.
Major Scale
It has all of the notes of the piece, including the 4th and the 7th scale degrees, that are the dissonant notes.
Pentatonic Scale
The pentatonic scale takes out the 4th and 7th scale degrees so the notes sound beautiful throughout the music.
Pratice is playing the A Major Pentatonic scale with variations of the twinkle twinkle. Use any of the notes on the scale in your variations.
Practice Excercise
Pick an easy solo you know how to play in a major key signature. Look up the notes for the pentatonic scale in that key signature and then practice playing the piece using the pentatonic scale as a reference point. You can weave in and out of the melody, work on harmony, rhythm, or a combination.